Tie The Knot

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baby Lucas!!!

Yea!!! today I become papa & the feeling is happy? As i can see in movie is very cheesier and happy to have a son, but in reality is just happy and twice of scary ;)
Or izzit maybe just because Lucas is too large? haha...new born baby weighting at 3.3kg.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

After 1 year...

After 1 year i didn't pose anything on my blog...i only realize that so much had happen in this year and this year is the tough year for me to go through. For my job, i tender my resignation on Feb and joining Fujitec, but i not sure is it consider lucky or unlucky. I join back MS on 20 of June. On the next day of working, my sales manager already tender his resignation and will be leaving the company by next month. In the end, i have to be independent in my department and continue searching for any suitable candidate. So, to think on the positive way, i have the chance to conduct interview section at the age of 24.(sound funny right.?)
Ok, now the main reason i remember back that i have this blogging page is because Gusky is missing!!! again!!!!
i remember Gusky had been missing once in few years back & was found on SPCA on that time. But this time it wasn't so lucky anymore, and thanks to SPCA again for helping me to send Gusky poster all around.
If wasn't Gusky had missing, i think i couldn't remember that i still have this blogging thingy...haha.
Anyway, i still have Tasha to take care my house. ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting nearer & nearer....

What does it means by nearer.?
1 week time i will going to taiwan for honeymoon and in 1 month time...is the wedding day d...
near enuf?
if not bcos of choosing date...then 2moro is my wedding day d...10.10.10 (sweat)
time is flying man....so fast already Oct liao....after all the event ends which mean will be new year d...
Will miss this wonderful year & hopefully everything will be going smoothly till the end of time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Finally got the photo d!!

Yea...got photo d...but it just in soft-copy & without any editing yet...
The original album still pending for the decoration and editing...next month have to go and see the edited copy again and again...haihz...so, total of 4 type of dress for indoor la.

From morning to nitezzz...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yeah!!! that right....i Got a i-pon d...
After survey for...quite sometime d so finally decided buy i-pon la...
of far still ok la...no complaint yet...not like last time, when buy the W910i nia already regret d...haha...but this i-pon really make me alotz of surprises la...no complaint, no regret..
but i more changes is....my contact number...already change...number was ok la...last 4 digit change to all family car number "9807" woohoo!!!
So..., meanz this is a double dose of my birthday present la...23 year old...the most important year of me....Good luck alwayz...

White color

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week By Week's...

This week, taken my picture...
Next week, my big day...woohoo...ops...i mean my birthday la...
Wow!!! Cant wait for the month of June...my favorite month of the year...
Al-rite...so what i have to do is just wait for the next week then choose my picture...
no more face up or down abit and sommore knot your head...(headache)

Will upload abit after got the soft copy...